St Anthony's Catholic Community



(Please scroll down and
refer to newsletter for details)

19th November
Friendship Group Christmas Lunch
Put your name on sheet in foyer if coming

21st November

Presentation Day Mass

24th November


1st December

Welcome Morning Tea for Deacon BJ
2nd Rite of Reconciliation

3rd December

Year 6 Graduation Liturgy

4th December

Mass with 2nd Rite of Reconciliation

11th December

Anointing Mass followed by light lunch

Welcome to our Parish website

If you are a new or intending parishioner, we warmly welcome you and hope this website gives you a little insight into our vibrant parish community here in Harristown.

New and existing parishioners are encouraged to actively participate in our parish by joining a group or joining the rosters for reading, special minister of communion, greeting, music etc. There are other opportunities to get involved e.g. keeping our gardens tidy or joining our planned giving program. Please contact the parish office for more information.

We hope this website will be an informative and handy reference point to keep you up to date with special events, meetings, and our weekly newsletter, etc.



Our Pastoral Vision - "A Place at the Table for All"

St Anthony's Parish comes to life when we gather for Eucharist.
The table of Jesus
~ Embraces the Table of God's Word and the Table of the Eucharist
~ Around this table, all are welcome.

At St Anthony’s, there Is a place at the table for all
This is a table of GIFT.
This is a table of INVITATION and REACHING OUT.
This is a table of HOSPITALITY and WELCOME.
This is a table of HOPE.
This is a table of SERVICE.
This is a table of HISTORY.
This is a table of JOY and CELEBRATION.
This is a table of PRAYER.

We are mindful of those times over the years when our community of faith has gathered for Eucharist at this table. 

We are mindful of the many years of listening to God's Word; of heeding the call to a change of heart and of life.

We are mindful of the faithful prayer around the kitchen tables of daily life and the inner tables of our hearts.

We are mindful of the Last Supper when Jesus gathered with his friends,
shared bread and wine and washed their feet.